Wrapping up the StARTup Art Fair

Peter, a friend of ours, came to the show sent us a fun “review”!
Dear Nancy,
I really enjoyed your presentation and although I didn’t get to see more than about 45% of the artists, Nancy’s work was the best of what I saw. I am in love with Nancy’s vision.
Many other artist were excellent, too!
One thing that struck me that day was that in viewing artwork, I was engaging surfaces, under which existed a rich mix of emotion, viewpoint and chaos.
When I say “chaos” I mean a kind of higher system of “fluctuated energy” that has a sense to it beyond my capacity to see it from my current perch. In other words, if I could elevate my viewpoint to the platform chaos exists on, I would perceive a new form of harmony. And thus art builds new futures and pulls us up.
Maybe it is simply this: I was engaging surfaces under which existed a volatility that came from the fact that the artwork, a living fossil of the artist, was no longer “unplugged” and on a wall. I was breathing the energy of my perspective into it. And the dissonance between my perspective and the artist’s generates that volatility. At any rate, it’s pretty cool.
Does that make any fucking sense ? I sometimes get way ahead of myself (which in itself is an interesting phrase).
It occurred to me at the show that art is composed of magic, mystery and mayhem. Mayhem being a destructive “disorder”. For art to be effective, something must die. Something must fall away so that something new can occur. By magic, I simply mean transcendence, which is not supported by a linear and logical world. And mystery is the space added to awareness that gives us the canvas, the blank page and the silence by which we paint, write and create music.
I’m sorry I didn’t get back to say goodby. I wandered a bit and got into conversations with other artists and as I was following my trail of bread crumbs back to your room, I ran into friends who had been looking for me (I had somehow accidentally left my iPhone home. The horror!) and wanted to leave.
Thanks again,